Pilar Méndez Rivera
Dirección de Tesis
ELT Colombian textbook writers struggles in the industry of ELT textbook production
The purpose of this study is to uncover the struggles English language teaching textbook writers experienced in producing English language textbooks and their influence on educational material in Colombia. The ELT textbook writers are considered individuals who create educational materials and play a crucial role in shaping language learning experiences for students and language teachers. These ELT textbook writers are subjects who have views on the content of teaching, pedagogical strategies, and cultural sensitivity to facilitate English language teaching and learning. However, the textbook industry is a hierarchical machinery with a top-down management approach, in which textbook writers have little space to resist and subvert hegemonical practices in textbook production. According to Jolly & Bolitho (1988, 2011), ELT textbook writers delve into the tension between embracing ideas of dominant cultural norms while challenging power dynamics during the editorial processes from...
VER MÁSEmerging teacher leadership stories in pre service teachers
This proposal on nurturing teacher leadership in pre-service teachers, promotes reflecting about teacher identity through: journals, interviews and focus groups. Using pedagogical practices as an opportunity to observe, analyze, discuss and adapt, pre and in service teachers will reflect about themselves and their methodological strategies, they could talk about their failures and achievements, there will be an authentic reflection process with the intention to accept who they are as persons and as teachers.
This research will be carried out at IED Colegio Sorrento, afternoon shift in secondary. It will involve practicum professors, mentors and pre-service teachers; finding a meeting point in pedagogical practices attach to Bachelor's degree in Foreign Language with Emphasis in English at Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas since August 2022 to November 2024.
Change will become a common factor in pre-service teacher identity and will give them more...
VER MÁSSocial class identities and discourses in the efl classroom
Since the onset of poststructuralist and sociocultural approaches to the applied linguistics area of second language acquisition and learning (SLA/L) and the advent of identity research in foreign language (FL) teaching and learning, different dimensions such as gender, race, sexuality, and ethnicity have been greatly explored. Nonetheless, an identity inscription which has been under examined in the abovementioned fields is that of social class. Scholarship on identity and FL educational research has not yet fully examined the hidden class-based power dynamics and the struggles for symbolic capital that students and educators experience and exercise in the EFL classroom that lead to construction and negotiation of class identities through discursive acts. Examining social class identities and discourses in FL practices such as literacy practices, interculturally development, project work, and linguistic practices becomes paramount given several factors around the world such as the...
VER MÁSThe Co-construction of English Language Teachers' Critical Identities through the Narrative Positioning
I have been teaching the English language for thirteen years in a public school located in Bogotá, Colombia. My classes have been focused on social issues, and, when I plan them, I have considered essential students’ backgrounds, views, individual characteristics, likes, dislikes, emotions, contexts, and needs, to favor the construction of critical, argumentative, and well-informed subjects. Nevertheless, there are power relationships within the education system, exercised by school directives and by policies from the Secretary of Education of Bogotá, that try to impose me a technician role, to make me teach the language with preestablished objectives, contents, and materials, and that position the students as agents that must obey and follow rules. Thus, I have tried to resist this system by designing materials to teach English with contents that students and I have considered relevant. These materials deal with social and controversial issues to favor reflexivity in relation to...
VER MÁSUne initiative disruptive de création de matériel pour les cours de français
En el marco del semillero de investigación creado desde el área de francés de una institución de educación superior de Bogotá, se inició un riguroso proceso investigativo en el que se indaga sobre las diferentes necesidades y experiencias que presentan, semestre a semestre, nuestros docentes y estudiantes de la lengua francesa. El presente artículo es uno de los resultados de este proceso, en el que se desarrolla el análisis de las experiencias de los estudiantes y docentes, particularmente, su perspectiva sobre el material que se utiliza en las sesiones de clase, y en general, en los cursos de francés de la institución.
El contexto general es el siguiente: los estudiantes de la licenciatura en lenguas extranjeras con énfasis en inglés escogen en tercer semestre una segunda lengua extranjera para aprender, esta puede ser francés o portugués. Actualmente, más de 300 estudiantes han elegido francés como opción y el área crece semestre tras semestre. Esta última plantea que el...
VER MÁSWho teaches the teachers? Analyzing ELTEs' subject constitution at English Language Teaching Education Programs
From my experience as bilingual advisor at Secretaria de Educación de Bogotá and professor at a master of education program, I have wondered whether there is a curriculum on ELT education that could be studied from national policies, from institutional initiatives at undergraduate careers, specifically at the programs of future English teachers or from the teaching practices carried out at the same programs. Can it be said that the national policies proposed from the government shape the educational practices at the programs of prospective English teachers? The purpose of this research is to examine official documents, as follows, self-evaluation documents, general programs structures of the careers, accreditation documents and lesson planning among others taken from three undergraduate programs on the initial formation of English teachers, in order to identify the possible connections or discrepancies between English teaching practices in those programs aimed to prospective...
VER MÁSRe-signifying the subject positions of the observers: The narrated experiences of ELT class observers in Colombia
This doctoral thesis demonstrates a careful analysis of the observers’ positions in English language classes. The topic focuses on the observations of in-service English classes, mainly from the Positions of the Observers who supervise, evaluate, and give feedback to English language teachers. In the ELT (English Language Teaching) field, it is common that teachers are periodically observed during classes for their performance of instruction. In fact, some of them do not agree with the class observation process. Others argue that the observation process is not necessary nor important. Some even do not pay attention to the person who observes the class and only keep in mind the rubrics used to observe. This study identifies some positions of the observers that are overlooked or are invisible in the educational community.
Unpacking future language teachers’ sense of communities from a knowledges otherwise perspective: decolonizing research on language teacher education in Colombia
In initial teacher education, community has been conceptualized around modern concepts such as Target Communities (Higgins, 2012), Imagined Communities (Anderson, 1983), and Communities of Practice (Wenger, 1998; Wenger-Trayner, M. Fenton-O'Creevy, S. Hutchinson, Kubiak and Wenger-Trayner, B. (2015). Target Communities are understood as mostly cohesive groups of people who speak a (standard) language in relatively homogeneous ways, and whose cultural practices likely differ significantly from those who study the target language of that community. This view of community constructs the English Language Preservice Teachers through the dichotomy of Native Speakers of English (NSEs) vs. Non-Native Speakers of English (NNSEs) (Higgins, 2012). Imagined Communities point out groups of people, not immediately tangible and accessible, with whom we connect through the power of imagination (Norton, 1995). Within this view, the world is a global village where everybody shares an affiliation by...
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