Mireya Esther Castañeda Usaquén

Teachers’ Stories about English Language Teaching in a Public Primary School

Calificación: Aprobada con distinción

This study takes place in a public elementary school located in an underprivileged area called Ciudad Bolívar in the southern part of Bogotá, Colombia. Caro, Lulu, Otilia, and Yami are my companions in this journey; they accepted my invitation to share our stories about English Language Teaching (henceforth ELT) in our lives. From now on, I will use the pronoun WE in capital letters when referring to teachers and me. This is a biographical-narrative study (Bolivar, 2012) with some adaptations. Accordingly, WE are going to converse, write autobiographies, share our emotions, and reflect upon English language in our lives in order to acknowledge our stories as sources of knowledge about ELT in our school, to unveil our thoughts, ways of knowing, feelings, decisions, and actions regarding...

Fecha de sustentación de proyecto de tesis: Martes, Abril 13, 2021
Fecha de sustentación de tesis: Lunes, Diciembre 2, 2024