Carmen Helena Guerrero Nieto
Dirección de Tesis
Teachers’ Stories about English Language Teaching in a Public Primary School
This study takes place in a public elementary school located in an underprivileged area called Ciudad Bolívar in the southern part of Bogotá, Colombia. Caro, Lulu, Otilia, and Yami are my companions in this journey; they accepted my invitation to share our stories about English Language Teaching (henceforth ELT) in our lives. From now on, I will use the pronoun WE in capital letters when referring to teachers and me. This is a biographical-narrative study (Bolivar, 2012) with some adaptations. Accordingly, WE are going to converse, write autobiographies, share our emotions, and reflect upon English language in our lives in order to acknowledge our stories as sources of knowledge about ELT in our school, to unveil our thoughts, ways of knowing, feelings, decisions, and actions regarding ELT. In other words, to know how WE have lived the teaching of English in Colombia, where elementary school teachers are not required to be licensed English language teachers, however they must teach...
VER MÁSCollective narrativizations of the experiences of pre-service English teachers and their transition to professional practice in the department of Huila (Narrativizaciones colectivas de las experiencias de los profesores de inglés en formación y su transic
Colombian experts in ELT and EFL explained that there is a need to analyze the factors that affect pre-service teachers’ performance and knowledge base, ad how this factor has a direct repercussions on curriculum design (Alvarez, 2009; Cardenas & Miranda, 2014; Castellanos, 2013; Guerrero, 2010; Jabba, 2013; Mendieta, 2013; Pineda, 2002).
This research proposal aims to identify how EFL pre-service teachers’ knowledge base is shaped by global and local education policies, mentor teachers’ teaching methodologies, and their own knowledge base, and the effects of this on EFL profession.
To gather all the data that for reaching the main goal, researcher will use documentary analysis and narrative inquiry methodology.
Among the expected results, researcher expected to produce new viewpoints toward the regulation and implementation of agreements and laws that affect directly the ELT profession, to formulate new tapestry that allow the B.A. program adjust their...
VER MÁSEnglish teachers’ experiences in peace construction: turning their “little voices” up
Peace Construction (PC) in English Language Teaching (ELT): a “possible impossibility”?
This research proposal addresses PC in ELT from teachers’ experiences silenced in some contexts within Colombia. Even when human realities are multifaceted and complex, there is a modern tendency in educational scenarios to approach realities through compartmentalized knowledge within separated disciplines. This suggests a modern worldview in which English teachers are perceived as instructors, and expected to constrain their discipline scope. This proposal intersects PC and ELT as complementary practices and areas in humans’ complex lives (Maldonado, 2009). Far from constituting an instrumental interest, as Muñoz (2016) also suggests, PC in ELT constitute a topic different from a trendy-like, or an ephemeral marketing-driven choice. Contrastively, this proposal takes PC in ELT as a life interest that needs discussing through an interdisciplinary dialogue...
VER MÁSHacia una política pública de bilingüismo: experiencias de educación bilingüe en instituciones públicas de Cundinamarca
Durante los últimos quince años, en Colombia se puso en marcha el “Programa Nacional de Bilingüismo 2004-2019”, el cual buscaba que los ciudadanos sean competentes en inglés a nivel internacional. Sin embargo, en su aplicación por parte de las instituciones terminó siendo tomado como un plan relacionado con el aumento de horas en la enseñanza del inglés, o con la capacitación docente, o con la utilización de material especializado, pero no como la enseñanza bilingüe que supone el PNB.
En la búsqueda de medios eficaces para alcanzar el objetivo del PNB, algunas instituciones educativas públicas se dieron a la tarea de asumir un modelo de educación bilingüe, en el marco del programa “Bogotá y Cundinamarca bilingües en diez años 2003-2013”. Aunque han logrado grandes avances en la competencia comunicativa de sus estudiantes, aún los esfuerzos son insuficientes ante situaciones que no permiten el progreso de los métodos de enseñanza bilingües: la falta de evaluaciones por parte...
VER MÁSTeachers´ stories, Immersion Programs for teachers, Narratives
This is a qualitative critical narrative research proposal grounded on trust (Sousa, 2018). The main objective is to reconstruct the meaning of the Colombian teachers of English’s stories about their experiences as participants in an immersion program led by the Ministry of Education. Such meaning reconstruction will be based on the interpretation of their experiences told as participants in one immersion held in Colombia, which can also be contrasted with the reports and information provided by the MoEd about these programs as successful to the point that these have been highly replicated under similar circumstances and for various opportunities. The theoretical framework includes the key constructs that are pillars of this research, such as teachers’ stories and immersion programs for teachers. The Short Story Analysis model as an eclectic perspective (Gómez-Vásquez, L., & Guerrero Nieto, C. 2018) will be used for the analysis of the co-constructed stories with the group of...
VER MÁSThe Senses of the Tea-ching Practicum: The interrelations between its subjects towards a Decolonial Horizon
Bearing in mind that the school contexts are dynamic, teaching and learning practices should be dynamic too. This means, understanding teaching from what Giroux (1998) has named “a form of cultural politics…that takes seriously relations of race, class, gender and power in the production and legitimation of meaning and experience (p. xii). Therefore, there is a situated need to reconceptualise what the teaching practicum or the pedagogical experience should entail in language teacher education programs in the local context, what the school contexts expect from them, what cooperating teachers and mentors consider relevant in their process of accompanying them and how to go beyond the hegemonic practices (new educational policies reforms, MEN, -2016), that are often focused on a very instrumental view of second language teaching, concentrating the attention on language certification levels adopted from the Common European Framework of Reference (2001), neglecting issues that tackle “...
VER MÁSWeaving Teacher Identities: A Post-structural Approach to Narratives in 'Bilingual' Science Teachers
This research study delves into the multifaceted identities of science teachers working in bilingual schools located in Bogotá, Colombia. Recognizing the diverse ways individuals perceive reality, the concept of identities is approached with a pluralistic perspective. The research is grounded in the framework of bilingualism, and it investigates the intricate tensions that arise when teaching science within a bilingual context. Employing a poststructuralist lens and utilizing narratives as a methodological approach, this study seeks to unravel the complex process through which teachers construct their identities based on a myriad of lived experiences. Narratives are chosen as a method due to their capacity to foster deep introspection, enabling teachers to reflect on their personal journeys. Notably, this research addresses a substantial gap in the existing literature. Despite the considerable attention given to bilingual projects' success and evaluation, scant research has delved...
VER MÁSTraces of knowledge otherwise... English teachers' experiences of knowledge
In this dissertation, I look into the quest for English teachers’ knowledge. Such inquiry is informed by theoretical tenets of the Epistemologies of the South (Sousa Santos, 2007, 2009, 2010, 2016, 2018) and Decolonial Thought (Mignolo, 2013; Mignolo & Walsh, 2018). I focus my attention on practices of knowledge that come into play in the acts of teaching and learning as narrated by participating teachers like tipping moments in their professional lives in their testimonial narratives (Benmayor, 2012). What teachers narrate reveal knowledges that might go unnoticed when teaching and learning. What I mean is, content knowledge, pedagogical knowledge, methodological knowledge are not the only arrays of knowledge that teachers develop. It was observed that knowledge is experienced in different ways. Particularly important is the fact that knowledge is not just a cognitive experience, but a bodily and an emotional one. The families epistemologies and the knowledge gotten in...
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