Adriana Castañeda Londoño

Traces of knowledge otherwise... English teachers' experiences of knowledge

Calificación: Laureada

In this dissertation, I look into the quest for English teachers’ knowledge. Such inquiry is informed by theoretical tenets of the Epistemologies of the South (Sousa Santos, 2007, 2009, 2010, 2016, 2018) and Decolonial Thought (Mignolo, 2013; Mignolo & Walsh, 2018). I focus my attention on practices of knowledge that come into play in the acts of teaching and learning as narrated by participating teachers like tipping moments in their professional lives in their testimonial narratives (Benmayor, 2012). What teachers narrate reveal knowledges that might go unnoticed when teaching and learning. What I mean is, content knowledge, pedagogical knowledge, methodological knowledge are not the only arrays of knowledge that teachers develop. It was observed that knowledge is experienced in...

Fecha de sustentación de proyecto de tesis: Lunes, Julio 29, 2019
Fecha de sustentación de tesis: Lunes, Mayo 24, 2021