Oscar Fernando Abella Peña

The Co-construction of English Language Teachers' Critical Identities through the Narrative Positioning

I have been teaching the English language for thirteen years in a public school located in Bogotá, Colombia. My classes have been focused on social issues, and, when I plan them, I have considered essential students’ backgrounds, views, individual characteristics, likes, dislikes, emotions, contexts, and needs, to favor the construction of critical, argumentative, and well-informed subjects. Nevertheless, there are power relationships within the education system, exercised by school directives and by policies from the Secretary of Education of Bogotá, that try to impose me a technician role, to make me teach the language with preestablished objectives, contents, and materials, and that position the students as agents that must obey and follow rules. Thus, I have tried to resist this...

Fecha de sustentación de proyecto de tesis: Viernes, Noviembre 24, 2023