Harold Castañeda-Peña

Dirección de Tesis

"Trans" Learning Experiences of a Transgender Student in an Initial Language Teacher Education Program

Estudiante: Pedro Adolfo Cabrejo Ruiz

The major incentive of this Doctoral proposal aroses after talking with some transgender students from university level; they mentioned have been mistreated by some teachers who apparently are not able to understand who they are, what being transgender person means. It is of paramount importance to remark on the pursuit of such a necessary training, giving the proper attention and assistance to the students who suffer silently, without having at the present time an alternative other than hiding themselves inside the social precepts and doing what our colonialist heritage imposes them, living in an insane anonymity. The problem itself is the lack of information we as teachers have about how to cope with the diversity of our students in our educational and academic contexts.

Palabrear the Indigenous EFL teachers' singularities to multi-signify and reconstruct the EFL teachers' identities

Estudiante: Carlos Augusto Arias Cepeda

This study intends to document how critical pedagogy can be promoted in the formation of EFL student teachers (the B.A. program on Bilingual Education at Institución Universitaria Colombo Americana- Única) by resorting to the narratives of a diverse minority EFL teacher as input to contest the givens of bilingualism policies from the schooling system. The study intends to create conditions and spaces for the reflection of future teachers, so that their personal epistemologies of the implications of language policies foster their awareness of their agentive role in society, and inform their professional discourse, their eventual teaching practices, and their contribution to society as intellectuals.

Pre-service teachers’ emotions, experienced during teaching in the pedagogical practicum: an illustration about the construction of their language teacher identities

Estudiante: Ana Jackelin Aguirre Hernández

After being part of a language teaching program and as a mentor of pre-service teachers for many years, I have always been interested in the way emotions configure the way we behave and who we are as teachers. After doing an exploration on resent research in Colombia on the area of emotions, I could realize there are some, which are mainly concentrated on the way emotions affect the teachers’ agency and performance in the classroom. However, studies regarding the way the emotions construct the Pre-service teachers’ identity bearing in mind their process of becoming English language teachers is not yet well discussed. Based on the previous information, I want to answer the next question: How do pre-service teachers’ emotions, experienced during teaching in the pedagogical practicum, illustrate the construction of their language teacher identities? Some objectives were established to answer to the proposed question.   

  • To identify the emotions that student-teachers...

Tensions, contradictions, and hybridization of peripheral teacher identities in a transnational nexus

Estudiante: Liu Yi Fen

This proposal focuses on the identity reconstruction of transnational language teachers using a qualitative narrative inquiry as the research methodology. It begins by identifying the identity issues encountered by the transnational participants in a new foreign teaching context. And it aims to explore how socio-cultural complexities, interaction and negotiation with local educational traditions, beliefs and practices have prompted the reconstruction, transformation, or hybridization of transnational teacher identities. 

The literature review section of this proposal provides an overview on the development of LTI research approaches evolving from essentialism, structuralism, post-structuralism to discourse analysis as a field for finding identities in recent decades. Theoretical concepts such as Said’s (1993) intellectual exile and Wenger’s (1998) “Peripheral” trajectories were introduced to explain the transnational teacher identity status.  It also includes a summary of...


The intersection of social identities: The visual artistic narratives of English language learner students

Estudiante: Catherine Benavides Buitrago

This research project will take place in a public school in Bogota, with 38 students from 6 grade who are between 11 and 15 years of age. Some students (8) come from different parts of Colombia, but others from outside the country (3). In that sense, the idea of exploring students’ different backgrounds becomes relevant as the educational community, in general, tends to make these students invisible. This study would also allow students to unveil their experiences when they are segregated by their social identities, even more, when they intersect.

Taking that into consideration that intersectionality is the main aspect of this study, it is important to mention that scholars such as Crenshaw (1989), Collins (2000), Anzaldúa (1987), and Lugones (2005) have contributed to this field. However, both authors, Anzaldúa (1987) and Lugones (2005) included two important aspects: power and fusion, which played an important role in their writings. For Anzaldúa´s culture and family,...


Trans-Pedagogies: A decolonial Response to Silences and Absences in Teacher Education

Estudiante: Diego Fernando Ubaque Casallas

This study inspires others to create spaces for sensing thinking, doing and emotioning decolonially. This proposal presents an attempt to disrupt modes (including my own) of existing, thinking, and doing in academia. To do so, it elaborates on Trans-Pedagogies as decolonial theory and methodology. Trans-Pedagogies have always been there; in the bodies, sensibilities, subjectivities, doings, pains, and sufferings of those wounded by coloniality. These have been there, in the inside of the exteriority; an exteriority that means “border dwelling and border dwelling generates border thinking and border sensing” (Mignolo, 2021, p. 515).

This proposal is thought to be developed through narrating and reflecting upon concrete decolonial doings and their configuration throughout different collaborations in several academic spaces at the Licenciatura level at Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas. Therefore, the readers will not find any applied criteria conventional to...


Teacher Educators’ Interactional Identities within Classroom Interaction in the Field of ELT Education

Estudiante: Edgar Yead Lucero Babativa
Defendida: 31 de Marzo de 2022

This dissertation presents a study on teacher-educator interactional identities in English language education. The study extends Conversation Analysis by doing co-analysis and member-checking with three participating teacher-educators to analyze the enactment of their interactional identities in language-based and content-based classes in three different undergraduate programs in English language education. Findings discuss the presence of multiple interactional identities composed of varied forms of being and doing as interactants in the occurring organizations of classroom interaction. These findings highlight the relevance of studying teacher-educator interactional identities to explain how English language education occurs during classroom interaction.

Unpacking future language teachers’ sense of communities from a knowledges otherwise perspective: decolonizing research on language teacher education in Colombia

Estudiante: Julia Zoraida Posada Ortiz
Defendida: 24 de Mayo de 2021
Aprobada con distinción

In initial teacher education, community has been conceptualized around modern concepts such as Target Communities (Higgins, 2012), Imagined Communities (Anderson, 1983), and Communities of Practice (Wenger, 1998; Wenger-Trayner, M. Fenton-O'Creevy, S. Hutchinson, Kubiak and Wenger-Trayner, B. (2015). Target Communities are understood as mostly cohesive groups of people who speak a (standard) language in relatively homogeneous ways, and whose cultural practices likely differ significantly from those who study the target language of that community. This view of community constructs the English Language Preservice Teachers through the dichotomy of Native Speakers of English (NSEs) vs. Non-Native Speakers of English (NNSEs) (Higgins, 2012). Imagined Communities point out groups of people, not immediately tangible and accessible, with whom we connect through the power of imagination (Norton, 1995). Within this view, the world is a global village where everybody shares an affiliation by...