Pre-service teachers’ emotions, experienced during teaching in the pedagogical practicum: an illustration about the construction of their language teacher identities

After being part of a language teaching program and as a mentor of pre-service teachers for many years, I have always been interested in the way emotions configure the way we behave and who we are as teachers. After doing an exploration on resent research in Colombia on the area of emotions, I could realize there are some, which are mainly concentrated on the way emotions affect the teachers’ agency and performance in the classroom. However, studies regarding the way the emotions construct the Pre-service teachers’ identity bearing in mind their process of becoming English language teachers is not yet well discussed. Based on the previous information, I want to answer the next question: How do pre-service teachers’ emotions, experienced during teaching in the pedagogical practicum, illustrate the construction of their language teacher identities? Some objectives were established to answer to the proposed question.   

  • To identify the emotions that student-teachers experience while teaching during the space of pedagogical practicum.
  • To recognize the temporality, place, and rationale of the emergence of student-teachers’ emotions while teaching during the space of pedagogical practicum
  • To expose the manner of emotions, construct Language teacher identities in student-teachers during teaching in the space of pedagogical practicum.

In terms of research methodology, this study works from a post-structuralism epistemological position, since it tends to work with emotions, unveiling values, believes, attitudes, personal and social identities in words of Mason, M., & Clarke M., (2010) “in post-structuralist theory, produce, or become constitutive of, social reality”. Additionally, in terms of study, this is narrative inquiry which purpose is to evidence the participants’ experiences as a story… a way of thinking about the story. (Clandinin and Huber. In press).  Hence, is a process of entering into lives in the midst pf each participant’s and each inquirer’s life (Clandinin and Huber. In press). Narratives as a technique will be implemented and as instruments some autobiographical narratives and deep conversations to collect enough information which allow the researcher to recognize and expose how emotions constructs the pre-service teachers’ identity.

Finally, as main topics for discussion, some previous studies and theory regarding, Pedagogical practicum, identity and emotions will be mentioned along the study.  Providing a big overview on what has been done in regard to emotions and pre-service teachers’ identity (mainly in Colombia) is an aspect I want to share with the entire academic community as well as a clear explanation on how the identity construction is or not just a matter of teaching that is supported by the emotions that constitute the person in and outside the classroom. I hope to suggest some ideas on important aspects Language teaching programs should include on their curriculums to work emotions with pre-service teachers in order to become English language teachers.