Diego Fernando Macías Villegas

Formación Académica

Doctorado University of Arizona
Second Language Acquisition and Teaching PhD
What I Didn´t Want to Do, What I Thought I Would Do, and What I Ended up Doing: Novice EFL Teachers´ Narratives of Experience in Learning to Teach.

Maestría University of Brighton
Master of Arts in Tesol
Sources of EFL Teachers´ Pedagogical Knowledge: An Exploration of Teachers´ Awareness of Such Sources in An EFL Teacher Education Program in Colombia

Maestría Governors State University
Master of Arts in English
A Psychological Exploration of The Human Psyche Observable in Some Characters of Edgar Allan Poe´s Short Stories

Especialización Universidad Surcolombiana
Didáctica del Inglés
Adapting and Designing Meaningful Call-Based Tasks Into an Integrated Skills Basic English Course

Pregrado Universidad Surcolombiana
Lenguas Modernas
Manual de Comprension de Lectura para la Enseñanza-Aprendizaje del Inglés Técnico en el Programa de Ingenieria de Petroleos de La Universidad Surcolombiana