Paula Golombek (Profesora Invitada)

Coordinadora del programa de pregrado del Departamento de Lingüística de la Universidad de Florida. Sus intereses de investigación incluyen el conocimiento del contenido y la pedagogía en la formación de profesores en la enseñanza de una segunda lengua. Ha impartido seminarios y conferencias en diferentes universidades de Estados Unidos, México, Chile y Colombia


  • Johnson, K. E. & Golombek, P. R. (2016). Mindful L2 Teacher Education: NY: Routledge.
  • Johnson, K. E. & Golombek, P. R. (2010). (Eds.) Research on second language teacher education: A sociocultural perspective on professional development. NY: Routledge.
  • Johnson, K. E. & Golombek, P. R. (2002). (Eds.) Teachers’ narrative inquiry as professional development. NY: Cambridge University Press.
  • Golombek, P. (2015). Redrawing the Boundaries of Language Teacher Cognition: Language Teacher Educators’ Emotion, Cognition, and Activity. Modern Language Journal, 99, 470-484.
  • Golombek, P. & Klager, P. (2015). Play and Imagination in Developing Language Teacher Identity-in-Activity. A Journal of English Language, Literatures in English and Cultural Studies, 68, 17-32.
  • Golombek, P. & Doran, M. (2014). Unifying cognition, emotion, and activity in language teacher development. Teaching and Teacher Education, 39, 102-111.
  • Johnson, K. E. & Golombek, P. (2011). The transformative power of narrative in second language teacher education.TESOL Quarterly, 45, pp. 486-509.
  • Golombek, P. & Rehn Jordan, S. (2005). Becoming “black lambs” not “parrots”: A postructuralist orientation to intelligibility and identity. TESOL Quarterly, 39, 513-533.
  • Golombek, P. R. & Johnson, K. E. (2004). Narrative Inquiry as a mediational space: Examining cognitive and emotional dissonance in second language teachers’ development. Teachers and teaching: Theory and practice, 10, 307-327.

Formación Académica

Doctorado Pennsylvania State University
Phd. of Speech Communication
The Expression of Second Language Teachers' Personal Practical Knowledge in Narrative and Practice
1990 - 1995

Maestría The Pennsylvania State University
Master of Arts: Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
1989 - 1990

Maestría Boston College
Master of Arts: Political Science
1983 - 1986

Pregrado Regis College
Bachelor of Arts: Major in Political Science; Minor in Spanish
1979 - 1983