Diego Fernando Ubaque Casallas

Trans-Pedagogies: A decolonial Response to Silences and Absences in Teacher Education

This study inspires others to create spaces for sensing thinking, doing and emotioning decolonially. This proposal presents an attempt to disrupt modes (including my own) of existing, thinking, and doing in academia. To do so, it elaborates on Trans-Pedagogies as decolonial theory and methodology. Trans-Pedagogies have always been there; in the bodies, sensibilities, subjectivities, doings, pains, and sufferings of those wounded by coloniality. These have been there, in the inside of the exteriority; an exteriority that means “border dwelling and border dwelling generates border thinking and border sensing” (Mignolo, 2021, p. 515).

This proposal is thought to be developed through narrating and reflecting upon concrete decolonial doings and their configuration throughout different...