Research and life go hand-in-hand because, as human beings, we always desire to understand and give significance to what we do, feel, or experience. When I do not understand a situation, I reflect, chat with people, read, and do whatever is in my hands to get to know from different perspectives what is happening. Then, I make decisions or take an action. In fact, this study originates in the school where I spent half of my life, my second home. However, I have noticed that when discussing academic research, most people find this complex, unreachable, and even painful. Now, I want to share how I have planned this journey and some of the steps I have walked to place research in our everyday lives, keeping in mind that I should follow certain protocols that the doctoral program requests regarding methodology. In this chapter, I introduce the journey I have undertaken to explore this world called Public Primary School Teachers’ Stories about English Language Teaching. I use the word journey to refer to this complex but awe-inspiring action of doing research. Along these pages, you will find a description of the very short path I have walked so far in terms of my destination, my companions, crossroads, itinerary, and some of the ways I have thought to walk this path. I hope this piece of writing encourages readers to find their ways of doing research.
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