Colombian teachers of English (CTE) are overdiagnosed since we have always been judged to have a deficit perspective, based on international standards, like the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR), which do not take into account the reality of our lives, (Ayala & Alvarez, 2005), knowledge or experiences. Additionally, Colombian English Language Teaching policies, like the National Bilingualism Program (NBP) replicate and perpetuate imported practices (Sánchez and Obando, 2008). CTE use them to find ̈professional alternatives to achieve higher standards in their jobs ̈, mainly in two aspects: the linguistic (Gonzalez, Montoya & Sierra, 2001) and the pedagogical. In 2015, through the Ministry of Education (MoEd), the previous administration encouraged CTE to participate in Local English Immersion Programs (LEIP) to improve those two skills. This chapter focuses on their experiences of a colonial mechanism like the LEIP.
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Redes Sociales DIE-UD