Planning for writing in an English as a Foreign Language class is usually a difficult task given the time constraints faced in the classroom and the little preparation and expertise students have in terms of writing. Besides, English textbooks tend to offer a rather simplistic approach to writing where the product is favored over the process. Therefore, writing tends to be neglected in the classroom or relegated to homework turning it into a daunting task for students to face on their own. However, given its importance in the current world and the myriad of written tasks people have to perform on a daily basis, it is still important to teach this skill. Flipping the writing component of your course can optimize its potential and offer your students with the opportunity to develop this important skill thoroughly without having to sacrifice any of the other skills (Buitrago & Díaz, 2018). The present chapter will present how flipped writing workshops could be structured in any EFL program to solve this situation. This paper is based on a presentation delivered by the authors in the 51st ASOCOPI conference aiming at bringing professionals together in order to discuss the implementation of technology in language classrooms.
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