The process of globalization and the rapid development of science and technology have brought up challenges to education systems at all levels. The Society of the 21st century demands creative, critical citizens who have the capacity of adapting to working and social circumstances which are continuously evolving. Accordingly, the formation of the agents who directly drive the educational process - the teachers - is a vital issue for education systems, and modern societies (White, 2003). Subsequently, this entails that the processes of teacher training and development are rearranged to integrate new technologies with two fundamental purposes: first, to streamline and make educational processes more efficient and relevant; and second, to empower teachers and learners in the pedagogical use of new technologies. These two aspects are of paramount importance for any teacher of the 21st century. Nonetheless, integrating new technologies with formative processes encompasses re-creating the curriculum, the syllabus, and the transformation of current instructional and learning practices; this, in turn, entails thinking of the aforementioned elements from a holistic, systemic, and complex perspective in line with the current socio-cultural dynamics. Therefore, educational institutions and agents are permanently devising strategies and mechanisms that promote the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) to enhance formative processes and empower educators in the methodological and pedagogical use these tools.
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Redes Sociales DIE-UD