The field of education in Colombia demands a critical position due to the policies that seem to be conceived from the concept of a globalized and neoliberal world, which does have an incidence over the student's learning processes. I have observed that, as English language teachers, we all have a critical identity, but that it shows itself during certain situations. A critical position towards education and pedagogy may make the difference between perpetuating traditional practices and proposing innovative practices that are coherent with Colombian students’ particularities and needs. Many studies have explored teachers’ identities, but little has been said about critical identity. Therefore, I find it relevant to understand how we construct our critical identities and their characteristics. I want to explore, understand, and reflect on how life histories, at both the personal and professional level, determine our critical identities, as well as their transcendence in our teaching practice.
Published the
Redes Sociales DIE-UD