EFL Bilingual Curriculum Development and Social Context

Language policies in Colombia have incorporated models in bilingual education which have been a matter of discussion by the academic community as well as by the different actors involved in the process of enacting such policies. One of the critics that have been discussed by researchers regarding the National Plan of Bilingualism (PNB) is the one related to the lack of awareness of social context in the design, development and implementation of the PNB and that is exactly the problem set for the development of this study. Centralization of bilingual policies and marginalization of social context of school communities in decision making when developing and implementing bilingual curriculum is the main concern of my research project.

Results found in english language proficiency of colombian students show that the implementation of bilingual policies in the last 15 years have not been effective enough to achieve the expected goals established by government and by the bilingual policies itself. In that sense it is necessary to analysed the inclusion and consideration of social context into curriculum design, development and teaching practices in order to find out how bilingualism policies are defined and approach by the school community and how these policies are transformed to achieve effective foreign language learning.

The research will be carry out under an ethnographic research approach in which through observation, description, communication and analysis of curriculum it is expected to identify and determine patterns of social context issues involved in bilingual curriculum development.