Experiencing Uncertainties

Portada del libro Methodological uncertainties of research in ELT education I

We could not find better words to describe what becoming a researcher capable to expose himself/herself, while understanding the others, means to us. The word sentipensante, which was first used by Orlando Fals Borda (1981) on his marvelous anthology, and then coined by Eduardo Galeano (1992), refers to a type of person who is able to use a language where reason and heart combine to think and feel. In this chapter, sentipensante will be used as a paratext to analyze how such person is invited to resist intellectual colonialism during his process to becoming ELT researcher, and ends up emotionally and physically affected (Fals Borda, 1968). This chapter was inspired by the speeches, responses, and reactions from doctoral students to a research course that invited them to integrate an epistemological reflexivity (Vasilachis, 2009) into their research agendas and personas. Such exercises of reflexion should take those doctoral students to think about methodologies that prevent from preconceived answers, simplistic formulas, and certainties assumed as irrefutable facts. This deep thinking is also a part of our own reflections about the struggles and resistances of teachers who want to govern themselves (Méndez, 2017), to the point that we have decided to extend it to the academic field so that to expose some of our own wounds and struggles as education researchers in the Global South. (....)

Experiencing Uncertainties
Pilar Méndez Rivera
Titulo del Libro: 
Methodological uncertainties of research in ELT education I
Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas