First International Workshop On Scientific Knowledge, Education & Imagination

The workshop aims at discussing the role of imaginative processes in scientific work and in science education with an interdisciplinary approach. It will discuss epistemological, psychological and methodological questions related to the study of imaginative processes as complementary source of knowledge creation in both science and education. education.

Scientific program

May 2, 2019, Auditorium FACOM
8.00 Official Opening / Greetings: Olival Freire Jr. (UFBA)
8:45 - 10:00 Session 1: The Role of imagination in science education: using comics in ecology teaching
10:00 - 11:15 Session 2: The Imagination during the construction of a tale for the teaching of sciences: Contributions to the teacher training
11:15 - 11.30 Coffee break
11:30 - 12:45 Session 3: Is Imagination greater than science?
12:45 - 14:45 Lunch break
15:00 - 16:30 Open lecture: Culturally responsive science education. KathrinOtrel-Caas (Aalborg University)
May 3, 2019, Auditorium FACOM
8:30 - 9:45 Session I: The Ideal professor: Different images
9:45 - 11:00 Session 2: The Totem of Technological Knowledge
11:00 - 11:20 Coffee break
11:20 - 12:35 Session 3: Creative process and new imaginative meanings in the open world of Minecraft
12:35 - 13:35 Final session and planning of the book
14:00 - 14:45 Open lecture: Memory and learning of scientific concepts. João Roberto Ratis Tenório da Silva (UFPE)
14:45 - 15:30 Open Lecture: Intercultural interpretation of children's (boys and girls) ideas about the nature. Adela Molina Andrade (DIE-UD)
15:30 - 16:15 Open Lecture: Indigenous Cosmovision: A legacy to imagination, creativity and interculturality in science classroom. Nadenka Melo (DIE-UD) & Geilsa Baptista (UEFS)
16:15 - 17:00 Round Table, Discussant Waidomiro Silva Filho (UFBA)

Local organizing commite

  • Dr. Luca Tateo / Aalborg University
  • Dr. Waldomiro Silva Fllho / UFBA
  • Dr. Charbel Nirlo El-Hani / UFBA
  • Dra. Geilsa Costa Baptista / UEFS
  • Dra. Ma. Virginia Machado Dazzani / UFBA
